Friday, November 16, 2012

Bi-coastal baby

Last week we took a family vacation to visit Jeff's family in Connecticut. Although Hurricane Sandy blew in at the same time we were meant to, we were able to reschedule a bit and had no problems with the weather or the travel. Tara was an amazing kid and had almost no problems with all of the flights.

We wanted to take advantage of some of the fall activities available, so Jeff took us to an apple orchard that he used to visit as a kid. We didn't pick any apples, but instead got lost in their corn maze. I'd never walked a corn maze before and had a lot of fun getting lost. Tara slept. She must have been overwhelmed with the excitement of it all.

 Most of the week was spent just enjoying family. None of Jeff's family had met Tara before, so she got lots of hugs and snuggles from all the aunts and uncles, cousins, great-grandmas and of course grandparents, Maga and Papa! 

If you've been watching the news at all lately, you know that the East coast received more than it's fair share of bad weather. While we were able to avoid Hurricane Sandy (which didn't hit as hard in that area), we were present for a snow storm the day before we left. It was beautiful! Lots of heavy, wet snow that would have been perfect for snowmen, if we'd had time. Tara wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but she sure was cute!

 We can't wait until we can visit again!

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