Monday, April 8, 2013

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail...

Tara's first Easter was a lot of fun! I dressed her up in what is quite possibly the most ridiculously cute outfit yet (because I can!), we went out to breakfast with friends and then came home to see what the Easter Bunny had left for her. Thanks to two generous grandmothers, the Easter Bunny had an easy time of it this year.

10 months

Dear Tara

You may notice that I'm a few days late on your 10 month update. Well, this is your fault. No, really, it is. In the past two weeks or so, you have waged war against sleep. More specifically, you have wagged war against your crib. You suddenly hate your crib with a passion that is hard to understand coming from such a small being. You are ok sleeping on Mom or Dad's shoulder, in our bed, even on the floor of your room. Anywhere except your crib. You wake frequently and yell a lot. Most evenings are spent simply trying to help you get to and stay asleep. Therefore, I simply haven't had the time to write this yet. In fact, I had to stop after just the first two sentences here in order to go back to your room. Now, as I type, you're peacefully asleep on the floor. Later I'll transplant you back to your crib and I suppose the fun will start all over again.

We have no idea what is causing the poor sleep right now. If we knew, we'd do everything in our power to fix it for you. You may have teeth coming up. You've had a slight fever on and off this past week, and that makes you sad. You are also working very hard at crawling and we sometimes find you trying to crawl in your sleep. Any of these things, or perhaps all combined, could be causing your sleepless nights. I can only hope that the teeth will come in, the bug will pass, and the new skills will settle in soon.

As far as the crawling goes, you're pretty much there! Tonight you definitely shuffled on all fours right out of your room, in search of Daddy. It only lasted for a few shuffles before you went back to your scooting/leg swing pattern, but you definitely had it for a minute.

You have become very playful lately. You like to lean to your right side and hope someone will mimic you. You do this most frequently while sitting in your high chair, and are particularly happy when Daddy plays this game with you. We've tried leaning to the left instead, but you're not having any of that!

We are watching you go through a huge boom of intellectual development. You are becoming inquisitive in a fun way. We bought you a little car to scoot around on, which you love and are becoming good at balancing on. The car has a little trunk in the front and you quickly learned how to open it. Now we find toys that fit inside and you enjoy opening the trunk to see what is there and take it out. You understand that clapping is for good things, so you clap every time you think you've done something well. I clap too. You point at objects that you are curious about. You have two tactile books that have special areas that are soft or fuzzy or what have you and you can recognize exactly which part of the picture is different and reach out to touch it right away. I love watching you make these connections about the world around you. You're such a smart little girl.

You currently have a crush on a soft yellow duck that is filled with lavender. You reach for it as soon as you see it and give it big hugs. You like to keep it close while you play and try to drag it around with you. It's fun to see you develop friendships and attachments like this now.

Finally, you just celebrated your first Easter. The Easter bunny left you all sorts of fun toys. I, being the good mom that I am, dressed you up in a super cutesy, uber girly outfit that made you look like a little tulip. In my defense, I don't dress you like that often and couldn't resist a little ridiculous cuteness!

All in all, we've had a good month. Now the rain is letting up and the sun is out more often, we can go for more walks and visits to the park. In fact, we're going there tomorrow so that you can enjoy your new favorite experience - the swings!

Love you,


P.S. Please stay asleep!

P.P.S. You love bath time, so here's two bath pictures, just because I love them.