Monday, May 20, 2013

Pool time

In Tara's 11 month update I mentioned that we've bought her her first baby pool. We had an unusual run of 80+ degree days a few weeks back and were working a lot in the yard, so we though Tara might enjoy splashing around in a little pool. Let me tell you, that was $8 well spent!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

11 months

Dear Tara,

I'm a little late this month, but the fact remains that you are now 11 months old! I'm in disbelief, because your 1st birthday is just around the corner and suddenly you're less of a baby and much more moving toward toddler-hood. This is a hard time for me, because I love each new thing you do while at the same time I miss the bity baby that you used to be.

Some of your big girl developments include pulling up on your crib and other furniture to a standing position. This has caused even more issues with bed time, but for the most part is wonderful to watch. You haven't figured out how to simply stand up without help, but you frequently experiment with it as you crawl by straightening your legs and sticking your butt straight up in the air. It's adorable.

You now understand the concept of over and under. You crawl over our legs when we're sitting on the floor and happily crawl under bridges of any sort that we create for you. You enjoy blocks, puzzles, and your circus train, which is also a block toy. So far you still mainly like to disassemble toys, but I can tell that soon you will understand how to build them back up again. You also have decided that everything in the house should be your toy, which is both educational for you and rather hectic for me. You keep me running, little lady.

You still only have your two center bottom teeth, but that doesn't stop you from eating everything we give you. Broccoli continues to be your favorite food, but there really isn't much you don't like at this point. I can't wait for your next visit to the doctor so that we can see how you've grown. Daddy and I think you're around 31 inches tall already!

You have become much more interactive and playful. You clearly understand the world around you more than ever before. You respond correctly to simple requests, such as lying down when we ask you to lay back for diaper changes. You are beginning to "talk" to us using basic signs that we've tried to teach you. "All done" is the primary one that you seem to understand and use, although our response to that excites you and you now want to use "all done" to communicate everything. You cover your face when we play peek-a-boo, or you grab our hands and move them to cover our faces for us. You giggle so much, especially when we swing you around. Also, you have a pool! Even though it's only May in the Pacific NW, we've had some lovely, hot days recently so we bought you your first pool. You LOVE it. Right now, the pool sits in the front yard and you point to it every time we walk past. I can not put you down on the lawn unless I'm prepared to fish you out of the pool, because you make a beeline for it and barrel right over the inflatable side.

It's getting late and is time for me to go to bed. I'm sure you'll be up in a few hours, so I'd better take advantage of this time while I can. Stay tuned, because by this time next month I'll be yammering on about my amazing 1 year old daughter!

