Monday, November 19, 2012


5 and a half months. That's how old you are. You hit the 5 month mark while we were visiting all of the Connecticut side of the family and I missed the chance to write your update then, so five and a half months it is.

It seems this is a time of growth and development for you. We've noticed that you will start something new and will keep with it for about a week before something else comes along. It started with a fake cough. You are learning how to make sounds and a fake cough was one of the first. It was a happy sound, it was a sad sound, it was a sound for all occasions! It was also a sound I wasn't sad to see you forget!

After that you spent a lot of time screeching. It was a loud, sometimes ear splitting noise but you were always so happy when you made it! I'm not encouraging that, mind you, especially not in public, but your dad and I had so much fun watching your face light up with each big noise you made. We couldn't help but smile along with you.

Lately the noise has been "thbbbbt" with your lips. Some people call that a raspberry.  You've been trying and trying and trying, but you still haven't quite mastered it. Watching you try has been loads of fun. You also gum your lower lip like an old man with no teeth. It's terribly cute.

You finally rolled over, from your belly to your back. You did it Novemeber 5th at Maga's house, while we were playing on the bed. Both daddy and I were there to see it and were so excited! But you don't really care about rolling and you've only done it once since (and that was a half roll, really). That's ok. Maybe that's a step you just want to skip over.

Rolling doesn't seem to be your thing, but you love to sit up. You can sit up by yourself for good chunks of time now, but you do eventually fall over. Soon enough you'll get your balance. Until then, we let you practice on the bed. You also love to sit in the bumbo chair, since it holds you up nice and straight.

You've discovered your feet and think they're just about the best thing. You giggle when we touch your toes to your nose and you "help" during diaper changes by grabbing your feet. You also reach out for anything and everything. Those little hands are never at rest right now. You reach, you touch, you pat, you even smack your belly like a little drum!

Your favorite toys right now are your Jumperroo (you love to bounce!), your wooden teething rattle, Sophie the giraffe and of course, your butterfly. Yesterday you decided that you love Ice Bat, the monster doll that lives in your crib. Your great grandpa got that for you (with Mommy's help picking it out) and will surely love to hear that you like it.

You're changing so much that it's hard to keep up with you right now! Keep it up, though. Every day brings something new.



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