Monday, November 11, 2013

Tara's Halloween

I'm pretty sure Tara had a great Halloween. We picked and painted pumpkins, she wore a sweet costume and went trick-or-treating for the first time, and she got a sucker. I think she liked the sucker the most.

First, we started with the pumpkins that we'd brought home from the pumpkin patch. Since Tara is too young for carving, we went with a toddler friendly paint approach. We taped a face onto her pumpkin and then let her finger paint all over it.

She took this part very seriously.


Then, when she was done and the pumpkin was ready to dry, she took a bath. Of course.

Once dry, all we had to do was peel off the tape. The finished pumpkin was perfect.

For Halloween we decided that Tara should be a dinosaur, our own little Tarasaurus. I'd seen an idea for an easy costume online, so I went with that and made it for her. Some yarn for a hat to match pajamas that she already had, a little ribbon, some sponges, hot glue, and a little double sided take was all it took. Instant Tarasaurus.

Since our neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks, and since trick-or-treating tends to happen a little too close to her bedtime, we instead took her to our downtown trick-or-treat. All of the businesses welcome kids in for a store to store trick-or-treat. This was perfect for us, since the was room for Tara to walk, people to see, and just enough activity for her to have fun. She didn't actually pick up much candy, since she's too young for it yet, but that wasn't the point. Fun was still had by all.

As you can see, we did let her have one sucker, since she'd pretty much chewed through the wrapper on it any way. She was pretty darn happy with that sucker, let me tell you. I, for one, was pretty happy that we always have wet wipes on hand. That stuff is sticky!

We hope you had a happy Halloween!

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