Wednesday, February 6, 2013

8 months

Two-thirds of a year! It's hard to believe.

Right now, you are sleeping. You just went down for your first nap of the day. You're snuggled on your side with your blanket cuddled around you and your lullaby puppy near your face. You adore your lullaby scout puppy. These pictures were not taken today, but this is pretty much what I see when I peak into your room right now.

You probably will not give me the chance to finish this entry this morning. You typically only sleep for a brief 30 minutes. You need more sleep than that, but perhaps you're just unwilling to let the day slip past you. There is too much trouble to get into!

I find that I have a harder time thinking of your new milestones and accomplishments now that you're growing older, mostly because I've grown accustomed to seeing something new and wonderful every day. When you were smaller, something new really stood out. Now you slip new tricks in all the time.

You can roll over, officially. On Jan 17th I finally saw you roll from your back to your belly! I know you could do that before then, since Dad found you on your belly in the crib once, but that was the day I finally saw it. Since then, you seem to have forgotten that you can roll back the other way. We've had to rescue you from time to time, since you act like a turtle on his back when you accidentally flip onto your belly. I am happy to see that you are comfortable spending more and more time that way, but still not signs of any forward movement. Instead, you seem to have taken up baby yoga. You like to bend all the way forward from a sitting position and kiss your toes or the floor. It's hilarious (and a little yucky!).

You have begun to wave and clap, which you seem very proud of, and have really increased your interaction with the people around you. You babble all the time. This week you're back on the "M" sounds, which means lots of ma-ma-ma-mas to make me happy. Today you seem to be practicing your volume control, mostly trying to find the upper limit. I blame your toy remote control for planting this idea.

You and I suddenly have a very busy schedule. On Mondays you come with me to work for a few hours. On Tuesday and Thursday you have swim lessons, which you seem to enjoy. At 8 months old you can do something I still, at 30, cannot: you can go under the water without plugging your nose. I sincerely hope that starting swim lessons early will allow you to share my love of water and will foster strong swimming skills. We also continue to go to reading hour at the library every Wednesday. We've been going since you were 4 months or so and you adore it. I think you really like the songs and activities, but mostly enjoy all the other babies there to play with.

You've taken great leaps and bounds when it comes to food. You were not very interested in food at first. Now, you eat pretty much everything we give you (except peas). You have mastered picking food up and getting it into your mouth and therefore no longer like to be fed from a spoon. You'd rather do it yourself, so we give you lots of little finger foods to keep you happy. The do-it-yourself technique does have the downside of making meals very, very messy. But that's all part of the learning process!

Lastly, you have hair!

You make me smile each and every day. I love you baby girl.



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