Saturday, December 8, 2012

6 months


You turned 6 months old on Saturday, December 1st. I simply can not believe that you've been with us for a half of a year already. It's been a whirl wind 6 months, to say the least.

You now weigh 17lbs 9oz and are 26.5 inches long. It's no surprise that you are a little taller than average. You've got parents that happen to be on the tall side. 

You still do not roll over from your back to you belly, but you do flip in the other direction from time to time. Instead, your big new trick is sitting up all on your own. You almost never fall over any more, but I admit I do put pillows around you just in case. It's so much fun to sit you with toys on the living room floor or in your room and watch you play with them.You also like to sit next to the toy basket in your room and take all of the toys out, which gives me time to get a few things done!

I adore watching you bounce around in your jumperroo. You move your little feet like a ballerina jumping into the air.

We've begun offering you solid food. Your first food was sweet potatoes, which you tried on Thanksgiving day. Since then you've tried green beans, bananas, avocado, carrots, blueberries, and a piece of whole wheat pancake. Of all of those options, you only liked the pancake. Everything else gets a decidedly yucky face and gets smeared around. You do enjoy feeding yourself and easily move your tiny spoon into your mouth. You're so independent already!

Christmas is coming. Christmas is always my favorite time of year, but this year is so much better because you're here. I love sharing all of my favorite parts of the season with you, like classic Christmas music, lights and decorations and of course, the tree. We went to get the tree today. You didn't pay it much attention, other than to touch it a lot. But tomorrow it will be lit and decorated and since you can't get at it yet, I'll get one more year of decorating it normally before little hands start reaching.

We took you to visit with Santa Claus, although you have no idea who that is. You were wonderful, as you nearly always are in public. Everyone there said you were the best mannered baby that had visited. Truthfully, we hear that a lot. You love people and are often nothing but smiles and giggles when we're out and about. Only daddy and I know that you are learning to yell when you're mad. Those moments are few, though, and you are generally the sweetest baby girl anyone could ask for.

I can't wait to see you on Christmas morning!

Love always,


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