Tuesday, October 2, 2012

4 months old

Dear Tara,

Yesterday you turned 4 months old. You've been here for one third of a year and I can hardly believe it. I know all parents say this, but it really does go so fast!

Today your doctor measured you at 15lbs 8oz and 25.25 inches long. You now weigh more than double what you weighed at birth. You're also very long in the torso, so sometimes even the 3-6 month clothes are a little snug on you. Your doctor even thinks you are showing early signs of teething. You're getting so big!

You did so well with your vaccines today. Some tears when getting the shots and then a little extra sleepy and sad for the rest of the day. I'm happy to help with as much snuggle time as you need.

You've grown so much in so many ways since you were born. You now smile so much, especially first thing in the morning. The first hour and a half of your day are our favorite time with you, because you smile and laugh and just want to play. You usually wake up happy and quietly babble to yourself until someone comes to get you up. Daddy and I both love getting to be the person who gets you in the morning, because you give us the best smile when you see us come into the room.

Early morning swaddle escape

You're working on all the normal developments right now. You don't care for tummy time much, but will push up a bit with your hands when you're lying on your belly. You've almost managed to roll from your back to your tummy, but can't quite manage to make it all the way over. Your arm still gets in the way! You love to stand up and would stand in our laps all day if you could.

You are starting to do funny things, like how you slam your heals down on your changing mat when we change your diaper. It makes you so happy, and you kick with such force that we can hear the "THUMP, THUMP" in other rooms of the house.

You love your butterfly toy that lives in the car. Your eyes go wide when you get in your car seat and realize that you'll get to play with it. You also seem fond of a soft stuffed sheep, which Daddy has named Admiral Von Sheepington. Of course, you can give him (or her?) a name of your choice if you want to when you get older.

You're trying hard to laugh. Right now it's more of the occasional "HA", but we've manged to get a giggle out of you from time to time. There is no predicting what you will find funny. Sometimes it's a random word I've said and sometimes it's nothing more than a smile from Daddy.

You are, for the most part, a good sleeper. You normally only wake up once a night to eat. Recently you've started waking up more often, which means I'm waking up more often. That creates a more tired mommy who is probably less fun to play with, so let's work on less waking and more sleeping, ok? Also, naps. Let's work on naps. You don't like taking them and typically only sleep for 30 minutes. 30 minutes is not enough and leaves you cranky, so let's work on better naps.

You love being outside. When you're upset and it seems like nothing will make it better, we take you outside and suddenly things are OK again. This isn't a new development. One of the first things I noticed about you is that you love to look at the sky. We hope this continues as you grow, because we'd love to do lots of outdoorsy activities with you.

I'm sure there is so much that I'm forgetting to mention. I just wanted to capture a snapshot of who you are today, because you're changing so fast. While I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings with you, I'm also trying hard to enjoy each little moment with you today.

I love you baby girl.


P.S. I'm serious about those naps.

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