Monday, March 19, 2012

Another day older

Today, I turned 30. I can admit it. 30. It's not horrible, but I have to confess that saying goodbye to my 20's isn't something I particularly looked forward to. There's just something a little sad about leaving that decade behind. That being said, I had a pretty darn good day. I am so lucky to be surrounded by love. I have great co-workers, lovely friends, wonderful family, and a husband that loves me better than I ever knew possible.

A few days ago I bought myself two bunches of yet to bloom daffodils, because they've always been one of my favorite flowers. They're just so happy looking! So I was more than pleased to wake up to find that they had opened fully today, just in time to help me welcome this new day and new stage of my life. I'm sure there's a metaphor about blooming and life in there somewhere.

So here I am, 30. Our baby girl is due in less than 12 weeks. You know, 30 is shaping up to be a good year.

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